Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just Say No To Drugs!!!

 How do I even set this story up……..well I will say I was extremely tired after a weekend with the girls by myself. Addison woke up at 12:30 with a night terror, which was horrible!!(a story for another time), and when I got her settled down around 2:30 a.m. The Harpster woke up saying "Play mama, Play!" I scooped her up from her crib and (OMG, in the middle of writing this I just realized it was 5:00 p.m. and the girls and I just did the "daddy's almost home shuffle", which included, picking up the random goldfish on the couch which I may or may not have just popped in my mouth, pushing the couches back into place, putting the broom and dustpan away that Harper plays with all day long, (don't hate, she likes a tidy house like her daddy, and I'm all for it, soon I'm bringing out the vacuum for her to play with), and throwing some ground beef on the stove (for the I've been slaving over this out stove all day effect!), if he knew that I had time for blogging, my gig as a stay at home mom/student may be up J Anyways, back to my story, so I grabbed her and just did the thing I promised myself I would never do with Kelly baby 2.0, I brought her into bed with Kelly baby 1.0 and myself, (hubby was working nights) When she was in bed with us she did everything except sleep (I love that girl!) She jumped, she played patty cake, she rolled around, turned the TV on, pulled our hair until I finally said "Baby 2.0, you're going back to your own bed, I gotta get some sleep" I scooped her up and took her back to her crib and she covered herself up popped her baby bottom up in the air (I love that girl!) and drifted off to sleep. To which I asked myself why didn't I do that an hour ago??? By this time it was 4:30 a.m. Around 7 :30, I got a text message, normally I wouldn't look at it until after I woke up but my dad has been in town and I didn't want to miss a text from him ( I'm not sure if my dad even knows how to text, Daddy do you text?) So literally half asleep the following text conversation happened. Every time I read it I crack up, I think I may be funnier in my sleep than in real life. Just a couple of things to remember, my responses are in green and if you look at the date stamps this wasn't the first time  "Raynell" had contacted me.

I usually don't talk like that it's not very flattering or ladylike....I think I was just trying to scare this person  that or I was delirious with sleep deprivation.  Maybe a little of both??

At this point I was just texting the lyrics to songs that came to mind.

I was really curious as to what he wanted. Really I was!! I was not expecting that he would want that........
That last line just cracks me up!! Chucky Cheese!!

I'm not sure Raynell will be texting me anymore :)

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