Thursday, September 23, 2010

Circle of Friends

I had a misunderstanding with a friend.  A misunderstanding that wasn't really a misunderstanding but a big messy fight.  A fight that resulted in lines drawn and us giving back each other's Tupperware (No, she wasn't my neighbor) and other items we've borrowed from one another. We broke up.  It feels sort of like the time when you broke up with your first high school boyfriend, you know that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach that you can actually feel in your heart, you remember that feeling?  Yeah, that is what this feels like.   

Because this friend was part of a circle of friends, and because her accusations were pretty brutal, I am no longer part of the circle. It makes me really sad.  I lost some really good friends.  And I know what you are thinking, that if they were really good friends that they would have atleast given me the benefit of the doubt, right?  Well, they didn't.  I fear if I pleaded my case now that I would just make things worse, and look like a crazy lady.   This misunderstanding  fight happened several months ago, and I really thought I had moved on, accepted something I tried, but ultimately couldn't change. 

Just now I saw pictures on facebook  of the circle of friends and their daughters at a birthday party.   It was just a reminder.  A reminder of what went down.  A reminder of all the untruths that were spun.  A reminder that besides that circle of friends, I hadn't invested enough time in my other friendships.  A reminder that I am no longer part of the circle.  We are all in our 30's and this closely resembles something that would happen in middle school.  I know this.  But it still hurts. It's not so much the invitation or the lack of one, it's what it represents.  It's saying, " We took a vote and you're out".  And I really have to think that if five educated, talented, and motherly ladies think I shouldn't associate with them, then what is wrong with ME.  Self doubt is a bitch!  In my head over and over I've rehearsed what I would say to all of them.  To make them see the big picture and that which was said was ultimately misconstrued. I want to show them the PROOF!  What was said doesn't make a difference now, I guess.  In the end I know the truth, but I can't help but want them to know it too.   My heart is heavy with the loss of these friendships.  I'll get past it.  I'll make new friends.  I've learned something from this, and in the end I guess that is what is most important.  Still, breaking up is hard to do.

And I think this is the part where you tell me there are plenty of fish in the sea!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Piggy Bank and a few things!

      Sorry, I've been gone so long!  We've had a really busy week.  I'm right in the middle of finals.  (Did I tell you I'm back in school after ten years trying to finish my degree in Elementary Education, I didn't? I  should have, because it's a lot of work with two kids!!!)  and last night we bought a new car!  We down graded, but I am totally OK with that!!  I'm in a point in my life where material things are not as important to me as they once were.  I had a big SUV, with Navigational system and heated everything, and DVD system, you know all the bells and whistles.  With all the bells and whistles came an enormous car payment, a car payment that we once could afford before my husband's salary was literally cut in half.  Sometimes I feel like we are the only family having to make sacrifices.  I have friends and acquaintances buying new houses and cars, and they go out to eat with their families every night, and their kids are in 101 activities after school (gymnastics, soccer, ballet, gymboree).  I am never not happy for my friends and acquaintances that get to do these things, I just mostly wish that I could do them too!! I want to tell you also that my husband took the pay cut so that other co worker's jobs would not be eliminated.  We have lived this way for little over a year, actually it's funny and God works in mysterious ways, but we found out about the salary cut the day after we found out I was pregnant with baby H.  I think he wanted us to learn a lesson. ( Ill show you someday pictures of A.'s room before the bad economy, and then poor little H.'s room after the economy, lol, the thing is she'll never know the difference, and she has always had a warm, safe, clean place to sleep and really what more could a baby want? besides pottery barn fleece sheets? he he)
       For the most part I have learned I can live with out biweekly pedicures!! AND ( A big And) Target and sometimes Walmart ( OMG, I can't believe I'm admitting that) has some really cute clothes for kids.  My children could care less if they are wearing Lelli Kelly shoes or Kate Mack bathing suits.  It's me you loves those things!!!  My husband always jokes that I have a champagne taste on a beer budget, and that about sums it up completely.  I would love to hear about some other people going  through  a similar situation and the creative ways you saved money too.  ( Not that I am happy at all you are going through this situation, just know you are in good company, ha!)
    So here is one creative way that we are teaching our daughter about saving money.  She is only 4 but she totally gets it, and for that I am so proud of her, and us!!

Meet Miss. Piggy

She is my daughter's piggy bank.  A. gets money for doing simple tasks such as:

  • Unloading the dishwasher (putting the silverware away, good sorting activity)

  • Helping with the laundry, switching clothes over and putting away her own laundry and folding towels.

  • Picking up her toys

  • Entertaining her sister while I mop or sweep
  • Unloading the dishwasher

  • Using her manners

  • Having a kind heart and doing a good deed without prompting
I'm so proud of my baby BIG girl!!!


She is saving for an American Girl Doll .  And we have told her that we will match what ever she saves.  Yes, she is a little young for an American Girl doll, but when we visit Atlanta, she is always getting  invited to the Americal Girl Bistro and she always as to borrow a doll.  She wants this Kit doll with all her heart, and talks about it constantly. And who am I to tell her she is too young for something she is dreaming of?   We are thinking it will take her at least until her birthday in February to save for it and you better believe I will take her to Atlanta where we will have dinner and I'll take 101 pictures of her pulling out her piggy bank to buy her own doll!!!  I'm so looking forward to that moment!!

Every week we pull her money out of her piggy bank and count it.

So far she has $17.30!!!!!!

 When we were counting it this morning, we found some other gems too!  Chucky Cheese tokens and see that little tree coin?  Neither of us had seen it before.

I swear an angel is living amongst us!!!

I'll keep you posted on our Piggy Bank totals. Now go ahead and tell me your fun money saving ideas!!

**I am going to do family introductions next week when I have a fall break from school!!  I promise they are coming!  And you'll finally get to formally meet my cutie pies!!  All three of them!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dinner on A Wednesday Night (posted Saturday)

I know we are just getting to know each other, and I know I am new to blogging, but I've run out of things to talk about on day 4!  That has to be a record, huh?  Before I had a blog, I would say to myself, "WOW, if I had a blog, I'd blog about this or that"  Today I got nuthin!  Except.....................

What I cooked for dinner on Wednesday night, or maybe I should say what I threw together for dinner.  I love cooking, it's really a passion of mine.  I do not stereotype, I like healthy recipes, not so healthy, a la' Paula Deen recipes, cookies, cakes, whatever! I love trying new recipes and sharing them with friends.  Actually, a friend of mine just shared the best Butternut Squash Soup recipe with me, and I'm dying to make it, it was so yummy. 

Some nights I am just so tired, and I'm tempted just to run to McDonald's and pick up happy meals.  Sometimes you have to just take the easy way out.  I always feel so guilty after the fact though, don't you??? I've constantly battled my weight from the time I was a teenager.  It's the one thing that is most important to me not to pass down to my girls.  I always want them to have healthy choices and to make those choices on their own.  I can not always afford to buy all organic.  But dinner is 98% of the time full of fresh vegetables and protein.   I never do can stuff, OK once I did can green beans, and they were OK, but I was in a pinch.  But anyways, I should also mention I am far from perfect when it comes to food, so I am by no means preaching!  Tonight my husband works nights so we're having frozen pizza and corn, or what is better known as "Dinner School Cafeteria Style".

So back to Wednesday Night, I was so tired, my husband just worked 12 hours, and so I asked him to pick up a rotisserie chicken (lemon pepper) and I threw whatever veggies I had in a skillet and tossed them with a little extra virgin olive oil.  We all loved this meal.  I could have easily asked him to pick up happy meals, but I am so proud of myself I didn't.  Here are some pictures.  And if you don't already go the rotisserie chicken route, you should try it! 

So in my frig,  I had zucchini, tomatoes and red onion.   I diced them up and threw them in the skillet with a couple of table spoons of EVOO and a couple of table spoons of water and salt and a little lemon pepper.  I like my veggies still a little steamed/crunchy when they are served.

Notice I'm using my spoon holder!!! Yah!
Have you guys seen these?  They are so cute and I love using mine.  I bought it at Bed, Bath & Beyond for like $3.00, I think they have lemon holders and lime holders and banana ones.  It really keeps the onion fresh after you have cut it!

The Guest of Honor!

I cook the veggies for 8 minutes, just till tender, but still with lots of color and serve with slices of chicken.

So  there you have it,  My Guilt Free Wednesday Dinner!!

Stay tuned, I am going to do family interviews next week, complete with  our real names.  I really had  a lot of hits this past week and some really nice emails, welcoming me to the blogging world. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

Show us Your Life - Living Rooms (Kelly's Korner)

So today over at Kelly's Korner everyone is showing their living rooms.  I love Kelly's Korner, and I've been reading her blog for several months, and I've always wanted to participate in her "SHOW US YOUR LIFE" series. I can't tell you how excited I am to participate today. 

I love our living room.  It is kind of bare right now.  When we moved into this house a couple of years ago, we sold all our mismatch furniture, wanting to start fresh with grown up furniture. We were in a different economy then.   We don't use credit cards, so we had to literally buy piece by piece. But then the bad economy hit us kind of hard, so we've had to hold off on finishing up decorating our house.   Hopefully, in the upcoming year, we'll be able to add end tables and wall decorations.  But I still love it, and it truly is our LIVING room, where our baby just took her first steps, where ballet recitals are performed on a nightly basis, where my hubby and I pretend like we are in a dark theater watching last years movies,  while the girls are sleeping and where I fold laundry in the late evening catching up on my reality TV. We opted for a ottoman instead of a coffee table and I love this idea, because it's perfect for folding laundry, changing babies (with a towel down :))  It's just comfy and workable and probably my favorite thing in the living room. We spend 90% of our time in this one big room, and it may not have a lot of accessories (RIGHT NOW) but it's full of love and memories!

These are kind of old pictures taken in the last year or so, because if I was keeping it real today, you'd probably see what closely resembles a Chinese Laundry Mat. 

So here we go: Our Living Room

If you were sitting on our couch, looking at the T.V. and fireplace, and you looked to your right you would see our front door.  Over to the right of the front door is our dining room, and I can't wait to show you our dining room :) ( not what you expect)
This is a picture of the whole room before we had our window treatments up and our ottoman. It's taken by the corner of the girl's side of the house. Both their rooms and the guest room and bathroom are behind this angle. (Does that make sense??)  I found this rug at the Pottery Barn Outlet in North GA. for $150, I saw it in their catalog for $800, so it was a good steal for me!  Behind our LIVING room is the open kitchen and I can not stand those curtains!!! Please help me if you have any idea how I can change that up a bit!!!

So this is a side view for the living room, taken from if you were standing in our backyard looking in.  I love the accent color PB Catalina.   And I love that sweet little week old baby and her big sister :) ( Taken last year a couple of days after I got home from the hospital) It's the only picture I could find of the Green book cases, we have one on each side of the fire place and I love them for storing my favorite books and pictures of our family.  

And here is the ottoman, AKA ( Laundry folding table, diaper changing table, tent holder and sometimes trampoline!!! 

I loved seeing every one's living rooms. I loved all the different styles, and I got a lot of different ideas.  Now, who can help me figure out what to do with my ugly kitchen curtains????!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Do y'all have a charm bracelet?  I do! I do!  My parents gave me the above bracelet when I was 13. (Excuse all my horrible photo editing, I'm teaching myself Photoshop! I'll get better I promise, xxoo)   It's one of my favorite things, even though I haven't worn it in years.  I actually prefer the silver kind with tons of charms, and that was seriously my attempt, but it kind of fizzled out around my 21st birthday.     I think my mom and dad thought I would wear a gold one through my adulthood.  My daughter who loves going through my jewelry box, found this and pulled it out. I had always hoped to give it to my little girl someday, she wears this bracelet all day, everyday.  Nothing makes my heart happier.  She loves hearing the stories of what each charm means.  I would love to start a charm bracelet for her and her sister.  I haven't made up my mind if I will just add to this one or start her own. I love, love, L.O.V.E. these charms from Tiffany & Co. If I had all the money in the world I would start charm bracelets for both of my girls from there!!!  .  I love their "Charmed by Tiffany" concept, like who isn't charmed by Tiffany, right?? 

So here are my charms and their meanings:

1. Mickey Mouse- represents my first trip to Disney World

2. Telephone - I got my own telephone line and phone in my room for my 13th birthday ( I think that is    equivalent to today's teens, getting their own cell phone)

3.  Christmas box - I guess this was a charm for Christmas in 1990, I can't remember. Ha!

4.  Pacifier- This is my favorite charm, I love the 3D charms much more than the flat kind, I think it has more personality.  This represents that I was a pacifier baby.....uh toddler.  It's one of my life stories that I will never live down, not that I want to either, When I was 3 I told my mom and dad I was a big girl and didn't need my pacy anymore, and threw them all away.  Except for one, that I hid in my pillow case for weeks until my mom figured it out.

5.  Pelican - This one was hard to explain to A., this actually represents an old boyfriend's family beach house with a pelican theme. He gave it to me when we took our first vacation there. It's part of my past, part of my story, so I don't take it off.
6.  Sweet 16-  You can't really see it, but its obviously from when I turned 16.

7.  A Cross - I bought this one for myself when I decided to give my heart to God.

8.  Class of 95' - The year I graduated from high school ( Now you know how old I am!)

9.  "B"- This represents my friend Brad who was killed in a car accident.  We were so close and this accident forever changed my life.  Someday I will tell this story.

10.  BFF charm/broken - My best friend, who is actually a boy, and who we are still close friends with today, gave me the broken heart charm on my 18th birthday. I wonder if he still has the other half? I'll have to ask him!

11. Round token with my initials - My parents gave this to me on my 21st birthday.

12.  Drama Mask - Because I wanted to me an actress my whole life, until I finally took drama in high school and discovered I had horrible stage fright!

13.  "Super Daughter" - No explanation needed :)

Remembering all these stories has inspired me to definitely start bracelets for my girls. And maybe give it to them for their 13th birthdays. I think I might be a little more creative though.  Mine is definetly not the prettiest or the one with the most charms, but it's my little piece of my past, and I'm ok with that. 

If you have a charm bracelet I would love to know the stories, send me the links!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Confession # 1

So I sent my daughter to school today with half a pair of dirty socks!  Can you tell?

I couldn't with her shoes on, so hopefully she will not be taking her shoes off at school today!   I had a clean mismatch sock and then I had plenty of dirty ones (Monday = Laundry Day)  So I think half a pair of clean socks is better than a whole pair of dirty socks right?  Like the glass half empty/half full........

And keeping with our feet theme, today  was Baby H.'s one year check up.  There were shots involved and lots and lots of tears, and Baby H. cried a little too :)  Shots stink!!!  
But I think it's time to buy baby H. some new shoes..............Please ya'll, don't all rush and nominate me for Mother of the Year!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

When in Rome

I've lived on the Bayou for over 5 years, and just this year I've given up hope of ever returning to my native Atlanta.I recently heard the saying "I'm going to grow where the lord planted me." and I'm letting that be my motto for the next year.  I think anyone from here would agree that you are not a true cajun unless you cook red beans and rice or jambalaya on a weekly basis.    So I decided to incorporate RED BEANS & RICE into our monthly menu.  This is only the second time making it, and the first time was a hit, and it's cheap!  Baby H. (I haven't decided if I'm going to use our real names or not) loves her some red beans and rice!  I add pork sausages and bake corn muffins and it turns out to be a great meal.  (I'll post the complete Sunday Dinner and recipe tomorrow).  Oh, one more thing, am  I the only one who doesn't use their spoon holder thing, because it's clean??? I swear, I never use it because in my head I'm like " oh I don't want to dirty that up"  but when you actually think about it, why else would you have it??  So here's to always using my spoon holder!

These pictures from my phone not the best quality, sorry!  Also I don't know what that white streaky stuff is, I think it's just a reflection.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

And so it begins...........

I have been dying to start my own blog for years!  The blogs that I have on my blog roll,  many whom I have read for years, they have been my constant companions through two pregnancies and a husband who works odd hours. They have made me laugh and cry, given me sound advice and on the rare occasion made me so mad that I had to actually post a comment. :)  I have fallen in love with their voices and their stories and the glimpses of their life that they have shared.  Sometimes they make me feel like I'm just a normal mother, while other times they challenge me to be a better mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend.  I hope to be able to provoke the same emotions through my own words.  I have thought a lot about my own blog and what I want it to be, I most of all hope to find an outlet for all the stories and shenanigans in my life.  I'm not a crafty mom, but sometimes I try to be, I'm not a scrap booky mom, I actually sold hundreds of dollars of creative memories stuff in a garage sale last spring.  I'm probably the most organized disorganized person you will ever meet, and I hope this blog will be more than just your typical mommy blog ( not that there is anything wrong with those, I actually love mommy blogs!) So bare with me while I find my place and voice in this blogging world and I think that there is no better way to do that then to tell my first story......

 First off, you have to know that when I say that I am an organized disorganized person, what I mean by that is I have places for things but I also have two little monkeys right behind me taking those things out of their places.

Example A:
So now to the story of how  my blog got it's name!

I live in a cute little neighborhood with the cutest little houses, and with the meanest, craziest neighbors I have ever met or in most cases haven't met.  Our next door neighbors are renters.  Most of the time, I am so thankful for new neighbors every 12 months or so, so I was really eager to meet the new ones when they arrived.  The new neighbors were from Thailand and the wife was an excellent cook, especially because I LOVE Thai food.  She would send over soup, breads, spring rolls, over almost every day.  I had just had baby H. so it was so nice not to have to cook.  The tupperware she sent the food in was usually stuff like gladware and whip topping containers.  I  honestly didn't think she'd ever want it back. I actually thought about just throwing it away, and I am so glad that I didn't.  After I washed it  I just threw it into my designated cabinet for tupperware. (See Example A)  Months went by, and my tupperware cabinet was bursting with mismatched tops and bowls.  Then one day I get a phone call, from my now not so friendly neighbor, asking if I had all her tupperware.  "Ugh........Sure I do, I'll send it right over", I said.  Frantically, I threw all the mismatched pieces in a target bag and sent my four year old over with it.  Not because I was scared or anything, but because the baby was sleeping, I swear!! 

So my little innocent girl in her dress up outfit for the day skipped back with a half empty bag of mismatch tupperware.  And now my neighbor was following behind her and my  heart started to thump.  A. (my 4 yr. old) skipped inside, and now my angry neighbor demanded to come in and look through all my tupperware. I told her I sent her all that I had, and I promised I wasn't HOARDING her tupperware.  I refused to let her in because I was really scared! ( A.K.A. my house was a mess and I had not done that mornings dishes yet, and it's one thing to be called a tupperware hoarder but it's another  to be called a bad housewife)  So, long story short, we haven't spoken since.  Oh except once when I did find one more piece of her tupperware in my husband's car that he had taken to work.  I made him to the dirty work this time too, and sent him over with it.  He reported that she just snatched it from him and didn't say anything.  I really feel bad, I do, I didn't mean to be a tupperware hoardess.