Friday, September 17, 2010

Show us Your Life - Living Rooms (Kelly's Korner)

So today over at Kelly's Korner everyone is showing their living rooms.  I love Kelly's Korner, and I've been reading her blog for several months, and I've always wanted to participate in her "SHOW US YOUR LIFE" series. I can't tell you how excited I am to participate today. 

I love our living room.  It is kind of bare right now.  When we moved into this house a couple of years ago, we sold all our mismatch furniture, wanting to start fresh with grown up furniture. We were in a different economy then.   We don't use credit cards, so we had to literally buy piece by piece. But then the bad economy hit us kind of hard, so we've had to hold off on finishing up decorating our house.   Hopefully, in the upcoming year, we'll be able to add end tables and wall decorations.  But I still love it, and it truly is our LIVING room, where our baby just took her first steps, where ballet recitals are performed on a nightly basis, where my hubby and I pretend like we are in a dark theater watching last years movies,  while the girls are sleeping and where I fold laundry in the late evening catching up on my reality TV. We opted for a ottoman instead of a coffee table and I love this idea, because it's perfect for folding laundry, changing babies (with a towel down :))  It's just comfy and workable and probably my favorite thing in the living room. We spend 90% of our time in this one big room, and it may not have a lot of accessories (RIGHT NOW) but it's full of love and memories!

These are kind of old pictures taken in the last year or so, because if I was keeping it real today, you'd probably see what closely resembles a Chinese Laundry Mat. 

So here we go: Our Living Room

If you were sitting on our couch, looking at the T.V. and fireplace, and you looked to your right you would see our front door.  Over to the right of the front door is our dining room, and I can't wait to show you our dining room :) ( not what you expect)
This is a picture of the whole room before we had our window treatments up and our ottoman. It's taken by the corner of the girl's side of the house. Both their rooms and the guest room and bathroom are behind this angle. (Does that make sense??)  I found this rug at the Pottery Barn Outlet in North GA. for $150, I saw it in their catalog for $800, so it was a good steal for me!  Behind our LIVING room is the open kitchen and I can not stand those curtains!!! Please help me if you have any idea how I can change that up a bit!!!

So this is a side view for the living room, taken from if you were standing in our backyard looking in.  I love the accent color PB Catalina.   And I love that sweet little week old baby and her big sister :) ( Taken last year a couple of days after I got home from the hospital) It's the only picture I could find of the Green book cases, we have one on each side of the fire place and I love them for storing my favorite books and pictures of our family.  

And here is the ottoman, AKA ( Laundry folding table, diaper changing table, tent holder and sometimes trampoline!!! 

I loved seeing every one's living rooms. I loved all the different styles, and I got a lot of different ideas.  Now, who can help me figure out what to do with my ugly kitchen curtains????!

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